
flip, flop ... flip, flop

how lovely is it that i wore flip flops to dinner tonight ... on the 30th of december? i love my life.

however, i have to break out the boots tomorrow ... we're going to the mountains for new year's. one day of snow should do it for me ... :-)


ready for 01/11/07

thanks to abc.com, i am all caught up on the 3rd season of grey's anatomy. not too bad for a mid-season 3 joiner. :-) now, if i could only catch up on my sleep ...


strange present

this is a gift from james to kim. it has airholes. i am scared.

christmas hijinks

flash back to junior high. this is malibu tim's car which was parked outside of his mom's house. the house is called "trevan heaven." i shit you not.

lola's bling

best present so far of christmas 2006! thanks, robin & aaron!


so drunk

2006 - gonna show up at christmas eve drunk. so drunk right now that there is no way i'll be sober by tomorrow. fuck.

and we had a celebrity at our impromtu party tonight. "billy, don't be a hero" ring any bells?

i rock.

note to self & target seasonal buyer re: christmas wrapping paper

next year be cognizant of the fact that you live at the beach. there should be no snow, snow people, or any other snow-related icons. do you really want to "let it snow?" no, sir. there isn't any snow here. the target seasonal buyer should also be reminded of this fact ... most of the wrap stocked at targets at the beach should have beach-themed (hell, even desert-themed) wrap available. what's wrong with a few good sandmen? :-)


brings a little tear to my eye

watching my husband and my ex-boyfriend hug it out in honor of Christmas fills me with holiday cheer. :-) (that would be nick, for those of you who know him)


one word - dedication

there was a mop & broom situation in the new vons down the street from me. i fixed it ... despite the fact that joe forgot to leave me his "sports wagon." there is no stopping a woman with a mop & broom situation looming.


i have the touch

i took on the little red furry monster and won.
after seeing how cool elmo tmx is at my friend sweet's house last weekend, i decided that my dad HAS to have an elmo. he was totally obsessed with chicken dance elmo, ymca elmo, etc. ... so he'd totally heart this one.

toysrus.com had them for $39.99 this morning. with a little luck, i'll have it by christmas. :-)


got my christmas bonus - went to the beach!


nothing sucks more than hearing your parents or grandparents cry. for me, that is. i'm sure kids trump both. but i digress.

sometimes i wish i was as tough as the facade i can pull off. i've spent most of the past hour silently crying after talking to my grandma. today would have been my grandfather's 89th birthday. it still physically hurts to think about it.

trying to concentrate on the good of today. today is also my cousin's 30th birthday, and she is awesome. something good with the bad makes everything okay. even steven, as seinfeld would say.


junk email

i have started a new campaign. i am making an effort to officially unsubscribe to all of the junk emails i get each day ... which are usually the result of buying something online or booking travel. it's absolutely ludicrious to get 10 - 20 of these emails a day. (this is in addition to the stuff my spam filter already filters away from my view). i hate junk email. it's as bad as junk snail mail. i am in a hateful mood today, huh?



i never got into grey's anatomy. didn't really want to get involved with another show.

so, i wasn't really excited when i won the second season of grey's at joe's holiday party a couple of weeks ago. but i ordered the first season from netflix to give it a shot.

i can't stop watching it. the series is currently in its 3rd season, at about episode 45. since saturday, i've watched 19. (remember, i had the flu over the weekend) i can't stop. i LOVE it.

question. re: sickness

if one has dedicated 3 days to the flu (most of which was spent in the loo or in bed) ... isn't that enough? why would the same person move immediately into a cold?

this is so not fair. however, joe may get his christmas miracle again this year. my voice is definitely giving out.


cute saying on a tee shirt

tiaras make me taller!

too bad the largest size was a girl's 14!

funky graffiti

from the tidepools at la jolla cove. i simply discovered it; i did not defile the tidepool.

make that two refunds, please

joe's been barfing out his guts all morning.

that's two flu shots that sucked.

maybe gabor's right ... flu shots are just the government pumping toxins into us. as my friend sweet would say ... "they're donkey fuckers."


are refunds available?

i paid $21 for a flu shot on 11/18/06.

on 12/8/06 i developed a bad case of the stomach flu.

is this grounds for a refund?

southern california toll roads

during my recent travels to la jolla, i used the 73 N/S to avoid some of the traffic on the 5. most of the 73 is part of the california toll roads system, which are private. no government funds were used to build them, nor are they used to maintain them.

so is this why mr. CHP didn't pull me over on thursday as i flew past him going 90 mph? because he doesn't have jurisdiction?



true story

joe accompanied me to michael's tonight. i had two 40% off coupons ... so he made one purchase, and i another ... but i digress.

the woman ahead of him was writing a check. a CHECK. in 2006. after she FINALLY handed the check to the cashier, the cashier exclaimed, "we live in the same trailer park!"

i shit you not.


christmas wrapping

woohoo! i finished my christmas shopping and personal christmas cards tonight. i see a lot of wrapping in my future. :-)


two ass movies in a row

well, it's really three if you count my last netflix.

do not see the following movies unless you need a nap in an air-conditioned environment and have money to burn.

running with scissors (joe & i walked out)
for your consideration (kristine & i almost walked out)
scoop (netflix)

is this really all hollywood can come up with?