
Flip Mino Camcorder

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How to Dial 'Alpha' Numbers on Your BlackBerry

Houston, we have a problem. Because a BlackBerry lacks a traditional alphanumeric dial pad, it’s impossible (or at least very difficult) to dial numbers like 800-GO-FEDEX or navigate an automated phone directory (e.g., “enter the first three letters of the person’s last name”).

Fortunately, there’s an easy solution: Hold down the Alt button while tapping the appropriate letters. The BlackBerry will automatically convert them to the proper numeric tones. If your model has a keyboard where the letters are doubled up, just press twice (while holding down Alt) to get the “second” letter for any given key.


this is what i have to deal with ... i call it texas talk

‘member we talked to Greg about returning a bunch of clip stuff that they ordered too many of...

seriously. too hard to type "remember" when emailing your boss?


bath tissue

i am very sad to report that american airlines has downgraded to single-ply bath tissue. so, basically, i'm paying upwards of $500 per flight to be offered bath tissue that is slightly softer than sandpaper!!! oh, this will require a letter.

"all those opposed to chaffing, please say 'aye!'" - elle woods, legally blonde


flight 1359

So this is a new one.

We're all buckled in, ready to taxi down the runway and the pilot comes on and says, as he stops the plane, "my cell phone indicator shows that there are still a few phones in use. They must be turned off."

A flight attendant walked the aisle, seemingly looking for violators. Guy sitting across from me said that he was on a flight a couple of weeks ago on which the pilot did the same thing, except with seat belts. Pretty decent "technology" considering they can't make an airplane lavatory not smell like ass.



i found out from my uncle, who is a pharmacist, that your doctor can write you a script for CONDOMS. 36 per rx.

the teeny chain for which he works goes through 200-300 / dz. condoms per month. i love living in a blue state. ;-)



i was assigned yams for thanksgiving.
i hate yams.
therefore, i have never made yams.

a few people i consulted with about said yams advised to get the canned version, dump them in a baking dish, cover with marshmallows and bake.

i couldn't do it.

i made them entirely from scratch; sans the marshmallows.

i cooked the yams in orange and pineapple juice. mashed them. mixed in all of the goodies and then made the topping. i'll have to bake them tomorrow at my dad's or i'm afraid they'll taste like ass.

on a side note, it would take an american to make a root vegetable as unhealthy as the yams in my 'frig are right now. same goes for green bean casserole with mushroom soup.

be green and save money!

before i discovered www.yousendit.com, i would overnight a disk or flash drive every time i had to send a file to someone over 10 mb.

those days are over! www.yousendit.com allows me to send files up to 100 mb ... almost instantly!! no fuss, no waste and no $25 overnight fees!

turkey day

tomorrow marks the 12th year of me driving to the inland empire for thanksgiving. this is getting oh so very old. 2009 will mark the first annual ventura thanksgiving. kristine and i will host for anyone who will "brave" the drive. it's over.

my beautiful niece


conference call etiquette

if you've dialed into a conference call ... and you're at the airport ... please utilize the "mute" button unless you're speaking. no one wants to compete with gary the gate agent for the floor.



holy crap. montecito is on fire. how is it possible that 60 mansions can burn down in 4 hours?? we are so buying a giant safe for our pictures. this is too scary and way too close to home.



i'd never questioned eating homemade food at a potluck. ever.

until friday when my cousin indicated that he won't eat homemade food (from strangers) because you have no idea how clean their kitchen is or if they have rodents, etc.

very good point. i'm off of potlucks. although i can't remember the last time i was involved with one ... but it's a good rule just in case.


while i was in arizona this weekend ...

i got the following two texts from my lovely husband and dog. they came in at 2 am this morning. omg.

the following are actual copies of the original texts.

Minor chaos here...the black and white cat apparently snuck in the doggie door and surprised Lola, a minor chase ensued... Across the top of the bar! Lola has a little scratch on her nose, and is VERY full of herself for defending the family turf! Lost a bottle of apple scnapps and the last of the Jim Beam... - cleaned up the glass but it smells like a bar on the porch.

Cornered the cat with the broom, picked it up with lola's "grandma blanket" and put it outside, it was up and over the wall in a flash!! Love ya talk to you in the morning


making do

if the residence inn in grapevine texas is not going to provide a luggage rack for my convenience ... i will have to make do.

in this case, i have reappropriated the coffee table as a luggage rack. i'm happy. everybody's happy.


don't let the door smack you in the ass on the way out!

the reign of tyranny is over!!!!

but, now i'm afraid to go to sleep. in 2000, i fell asleep, in cleveland, happy that gore was elected ... and then woke up to bush ... and we all know how awesome that turned out ...



cool pumpkins, right? as seen in pine mountain last night ...


doing our part

joe signed us up to volunteer at ventura's obama headquarters on saturday. i know we will make a difference during our two hour slot. :-)


2 to go

i hit alabama today! that leaves 2 states to go ... west virigina and north dakota. :-)

i put baby in a corner

okay, so i'm STILL in atlanta and am staying in the marriott downtown.

there has been A LOT of thumping (like furniture moving) upstairs ... directly above me. A LOT.

and it won't stop.

not sure how to handle as i've already called room 767, posing as the front desk, and asked them to keep it down.

that was a couple of hours ago.

if i call the front desk, will they put two and two together and bust me?

fey or palin? palin or fey?


is it white trash ...

to paint your nails during a layover?

poo - part 2

glad i'm not home. the housekeeper found more poo ... on our comforter. ew!


last night was my last night before my big trip to the south ... it was about 10:45 pm and lola was in our bed playing with us ... trying to solict as much human contact before my suitcase and i left this morning. she does do this every night ... but last night she was a little more wild.

i rolled over to read my book and before long felt a dog snout rooting around under me ... she was crazed. i thought, "did i pee my pants and not notice?" i am getting old, after all. i told her to stop it, but she dug in deeper.

so i hopped out of bed, turned to look at lola and was shocked and appalled. there were POO streaks and grass in a 12" x 6" square WHERE I SLEEP.

this has never happened before. NEVER.

we were super happy to have to get up, handle the bed and clean off lola at almost 11 pm ... especially as i had to get up at 4:30 am to catch a plane. the poo must have been there for awhile as we had to scrub it out of the crevices between her pads. OMG. shockingly, i did not gag ... just laughed ... and then we all went to bed. poo-free.


i may never use a public washer & dryer again ... even in an emergency

i am very tramautized.

i've been in colorado for a couple of days ... since friday ... and headed to memphis today for a meeting tomorrow. i got here early ... so i figured i'd do a little laundry before dinner.
omg. when i transfered my wet clothes to the dryer ... i found that some BOY PANTIES AND A SOCK had meandered their way into MY clothes. i almost vomited. i wonder if super boy knows he's missing his stuff.


this is funny ... but oh so sad

asshole parking

colorado springs ... yesterday ... thank goodness i had a rental. and i did park first. suburban boy parked in a motorcycle spot ... btw ... 2nd picture was taken after i'd pulled out ... i did park first.


pepe - code name, finn

this is how i spent my friday afternoon. 4 hours at the audi dealership. shortest new car acquistion in my history. this photo was taken at our first stop ... nordstrom. supplies for sophia.


should i be worried?

jerry is joining the elks tonight. is that weird? all i can think of is fred flintstone and that ridiculous fez.


and to think, laura bush used to be a democrat!

my comments are in blue

Laura Bush: Palin lacks foreign policy experience
2 hours, 39 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - First lady Laura Bush says Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin lacks sufficient foreign policy experience but is a very quick study. (this isn't the SATs, we're talking less than 4 months to "study up" on how not to get the usa nuked.)

In an interview Wednesday with CNN, the first lady remarked that it's fortunate that Republican presidential nominee John McCain has foreign policy experience himself. (and what if he dies? will he leave her notes? will he talk to her from the grave? seriously!!)

Still, Mrs. Bush says she has a lot of confidence in Palin. She says the Alaska governor has a lot of good common sense, and the first lady adds that she is thrilled to have a chance to vote for Palin on the GOP ticket. (common sense? is she for real? is that what got her family into Bristolgate? Troopergate?)

Mrs. Bush also said that she thinks Palin is being treated unfairly because she is a woman. That, the first lady says, is to be expected. (what a bunch of bullshit. she's being treated this way because she's not fit to run a large city like NYC or LA, much less the USA, not because she's a woman.)


can't make this stuff up.

the attached picture is of a woman who squatted in my booth at a tradeshow last weekend for about an hour! i've had people stop and borrow the chairs for a few minutes, but never has someone stayed so long. and then she had the NERVE to pull out a BOOK. um, hi, we're trying to sell stuff here!!!

she is definitely worse than the four people that borrowed my table and chairs in philly two years ago to hold a MEETING. they were only there for 30 minutes. i tried to bounce them, but they wouldn't leave. i didn't say a word to this lady, wanted to see how long she'd stay. omg.


harboring a fugitive

i found a seemingly lost dog this morning ... she was hanging out in the middle of the street in front of our house. she had no intention of moving out of the way as a car came down the street so i called her over to our garage where i fed her and gave her some water.

she had a nice collar and doggie tags. however, the phone number on the tags was disconnected! she was from the next town over, according to her license, so i didn't know where to start looking for her owners. i secured our new little friend in the side yard ... poor lola ... she really wanted to play with "sadie," but i kept them separated in case she was diseased.

i spent the better part of the next hour talking to the oxnard pound, licensing department, camarillo dog pound, robin, joe and kristine ... had to come up with a plan to get this dog home!

i reluctently arranged for the pound to come pick her up. robin told me how to adopt her later if needed and take her to a shelter that doesn't destroy dogs. whew! (okay, we probably would have kept her at that point.) so, lola, the fugitive and i waited for the dog catcher. during the wait i wrote a note to the owners, with the pound address, phone number and hours ... i figured i could drop that by their house so they would know where to start looking for their dog.

mr. dog catcher turned up around noon. right behind him was a guy asking what kind of dog was being picked up. i told him a black lab and he exclaimed, "that's my dog!" turns out, he's our relatively new neighbor ... sadie got out this morning and they couldn't find her. he hadn't updated her tags since the move, hence the disconnected phone number!

so, sadie went home. i asked the guy to go directly to petsmart for new tags! if she'd had a good number on her tags she would have been home in seconds this morning!


water softener explosion

how do you know something is wrong with your plumbing?

your nice, relaxing bath suddenly turns copper/black and CHUNKS come out of the faucet!

water softener blew up today.

attached is a picture of the black water from the tap. the other picture is the solution.




haagen dazs CARAMEL CONE ice cream.

it is my new absolute favorite ice cream flavor. haagen dazs PEANUT BUTTER AND CHOCOLATE has dropped to 2nd place; ben and jerry's PHISH FOOD rings in at number 3.

if you haven't tried one or more of these flavors, rush to the market right now and grab a spoon!



price of speeding on the 20 in texas.

i so think tickets should be tax deductible.


reality sets in

it dawned on me today why i caught the attention of the texas ranger on wednesday. i was driving a RED car. my audi is silver ... which apparently has helped keep me under the radar, so to speak, as i've only gotten pulled over once in it during the almost 4 years i have had her. and i talked my way out of that ticket, so it so doesn't count. in addition, most of the rentals i get assigned are colorless, old man sedans ... again, under the radar.

i'll be getting a new car by the end of the year. i really wanted red. but the reality is, i need to blend in as i doubt i'll slow down. kinda sad. i was going to name her maraschino.

rust stains left by shaving cream can

this morning i decided i was sick and tired of looking at the rust stains left by my shaving cream can. it really ruined the tile in the shower. the housekeeper and i have tried everything from an sos pad to melamine sponges. nothing worked.

so after a little surfing, i found the best solution.

barkeepers friend ... it comes in a can like ajax and was about $2 at ralph's. (i'm sure it's cheaper at target ...) i covered the stained area with a thick paste of the cleaner and water and let it sit for 15 minutes. i wiped up the paste and the rust stains were gone!! no scrubbing!

so happy!


fired up

it's been a long couple of weeks.

a. 8/11 - some asshole HIT MY CAR hard enough to knock off a piece of the bumper in a parking lot and didn't leave a note. price tag: $1,000. i hope the karma bus hits that person, backs up and runs him/her over again. what a dick.

b. 8/11 - foot x-rayed for potential breakage. (not related to the hit and run). foot not broken but hurts like hell. ice required.

c. 8/20 - suffered a horrific plane flight from PHL to LAX. most uncomfortable flight in a very long time. i was squished and thirsty. and i was in first. i wonder how people in coach survived. us airways sucks ass.

d. 8/20 - during said horrific flight, realized that i have flown over 1,000,000 actual air miles in my life. with no end in sight. almost vomited.

c. 8/26 - right now - TEXAS. need i say more? but i will ... read on.

d. 8/26 1:18 pm CST - pulled over by a TEXAS RANGER for doing 88 in a 65. Man, I hate getting caught. he asked me if i was speeding because there was an emergency. to which i replied, " i was trying to get out of East Texas as fast as I could, Sir." he was not amused. one of these days, i just might go too far.

e. 8/26 6:45 pm CST - taking on Marriott for not offering recycling bins in American hotel rooms. Marriott in Canada does it, why not us?

Saving Grace? Sophia is coming to visit on Friday.


cootie catcher

remember cootie catchers?
they were the paper "flowers" that were used to ask questions or "tell the future."

well, i just spent 15 minutes on the phone with sid, who just turned 8, trying to teach her how to fold one. we weren't successful. i'm going in the morning to teach her live. apparently, it is very important. :-)


is it bad?

to have your husband call you in your hotel room so you can talk on the speakerphone while in the bathroom?


i may have nightmares

from the backseat of the freakiest taxi i have ever been in (love the cherries hanging from the ceiling) ... driven by a nice but obviously off her rocker kind of woman. i was in the taxi for about 40 minutes longer than i should have been due to lovely chicago traffic. i hope i can sleep.



i love that my dad sent me the weinermobile schedule for southern california so i could make sure and see my favorite vehicle in the world. okay, and how absolufuckinglutely fantastic is it that he's actually driven one?


red pen

there is nothing more satisfying than using a red pen to edit. nothing.


30 minutes

no, not that. get your mind out of the gutter!

seriously, joe and i bought a 2nd hand kitchen table and chairs about 6 years ago. maybe 7. it was ugly then and it's super ugly now. but we got our $80 worth. it was truly the last of our ghetto furniture. (i forgot about it the last time i made that claim).

today i had to get rid of it. HAD TO. i could not look at it any longer. thought about calling "u call we haul," but figured why should i PAY to have someone pick it up?!? so i listed it on craigslist under free stuff.

all it took was 30 minutes for some guy to call me and arrange to pick it up! he just left. it's GONE. i can't believe it was here for so long.

WOOHOO! and i even got a replacement table handled. all in the same day! thank you red bull!


it does warm my heart ...

when sid's friends say, "i want an Aunt Julie." :-)

a dark cloud of ick

joe and i rushed to the fair last night to see if any of my photos had becoming prize-winning.

i got nothing. well, except my "special olympics" ribbon for participating. woofuckinghoo.

i'm down for 2009. i must have one blue ribbon in my repertoire.


as heard on our home voicemail yesterday

"quoted and monitored.
i [computer] have a collect call from
'bob calling for amber,'
an inmate at ironwood state prison in blythe, ca

to accept dial or say 5
to refuse simply hang up."

can't make this stuff up.

ps. mom and kim - remember how many times we've stopped at that mcdonald's in blythe?


again, you can take the girl out of the trailer park ...

okay, so last week, in chicago, i was eating breakfast in my room, in my pjs, when i spilled some jam on my pj bottoms.

i washed them in the sink with some mint thyme shampoo, courtesy of marriott. i then hung them up in the bathroom, thinking they'd dry.

upon my return to the room, several hours later, i notated that the pj bottoms were as wet as when i'd left that morning. not only did i need to wear them to bed that night, i at least had to pack them in the morning.

so i did what i had to do. i wonder if my buyer at TV saw them?



over the top but love it ...

ad from a high end luggage and handbag designer

"they'll fight over it when you're dead."

chicago beckons

it's no secret that i LOVE chicago.
it's also no secret that i've thought about moving here. i even have a job lined up here if i need it.

but i don't want to leave california ... because of family.

however, chicago is definitely trying to court me. i've been here five times this year so far and will return in 3 weeks. the weather has been FABULOUS every time ... not even humid this week. (okay, january was kinda bad but i was here for a record breaking storm so it really doesn't count).

we'll see how it is next month, but based on this year's trips, this would be an awesome place to live.


have you seen the tiny, glass jars of honey and jam that are typically offered in nicer restaurants and room service? well, a little lady in front of me in the security line got BUSTED for having 20 or so in her carry-on. tsa said they're liquids and she'd have to check them or trash them. seriously, they're barely liquids and she was like 70. doubtful that she was going to cause any malfeasance on the plane with her honey and jam. kinda made me sad for her. i know how long she must have collected them. :-)


hey, that's not nice!

so when i got home from entering my pictures, i showed joe the "participant" ribbon i got with my entry. i was excited because i'm really only in this for ribbons and infamy.

joe's sweet comment (and i'm paraphrasing as i am still wounded) - "wow, they give ribbons to participants at the Special Olympics too."

super awesome.


michelle wie? not me!

a couple of months i picked up an entry guide for the ventura county fair.
i've talked about entering photos for YEARS.
i decided this was my year.

so i picked 8 pictures ... tossed one picture and had them printed and mounted (couldn't figure out how to mount on my own). of course, i waited until the last minute to have them mounted as is how i deal when i'm not sure how to tackle a project.

yesterday, as i was making the labels for the back of the pictures, i noticed that i was supposed to submit and entry form by JULY 16th. which i had not done.

panic set in. pictures were at kinko's. i could see the blue ribbon dangling in front of my face. i HAD to be allowed to submit.

i was certain i was going to face unexpected disqualification and certain disappointment just like michelle wie did this week ... but i just couldn't let that happen. this is the FAIR ... not pro golf. so i did what i had to do ... i submitted my form late ... with a great excuse ... and was ushered in to the competition this morning.

pictures will be on display at the ventura county fair july 30th - august 10th. i entered 6 8x10s and 1 4x6. the following are the names of the photos ...

a jellyfish meets its untimely demise
cocktail weenies ring in the new year
paradise found in pismo beach
mama and her two daughters
joe enjoys new symrna beach, fl
chicago water tower at night
lola devours mr. snowman

good luck to me!



lola takes a bite out of texas after saving her frog from certain danger! i'm so glad to be back home with her!


pink is beautiful

i had forgotten that creme soda in canada is pink.

that is until i found some, quite by accident, in vancouver over the holiday weekend.

it is beautiful, isn't it?


alligator pear?

i had a lot of trouble considering eating meat on our alaskan adventure.
i think it stems from the talk of REINDEER SAUSAGE, how to roast a PIG in your backyard, and just the fact that i've been on the fence about meat for a long time.

last night we went to a new orleans style restaurant on the ship.
they had GATOR RIBS (which we don't even think exist) and lots of other weird meat on the menu.

so imagine my HORROR when an ALLIGATOR PEAR was listed as an ingredient in the green salad.

apparently, an ALLIGATOR PEAR is also known as a harmless avocado. WHEW.

channeling bappy

bappy was somewhat famous for her limericks. :-) she wrote them to all of us at one time or another.

i was inspired this morning on our way to anchorage. i know bappy would have liked this limerick.

There once was a girl named Sophia
Who couldn't wait to see the Tower of Pisa
She saved and she saved
Keeping her money in a cave
Until the plane came to jet her away-a!


ride 'em seabiscuit!

so, joe and i got a couples massage today.


during the massage, as i lay helpless on my stomach, i realized that the TEENY TINY woman (probably weighed a buck five) administering the massage had CLIMBED ONTO MY BACK and was now straddling me as she used her KNEES to massage my back. i was laughing so hard (on the inside) that i thought i might soil my massage bed. and i knew better than to look at joe ... i wouldn't have been able to control myself if we made eye contact.

all in all it was a great massage ... albeit a bit kinky.

wildlife update

here's a recap of what we saw today.

1 brown bear
countless whales - including MINKE, HUMPBACK and ORCA
4 sea otters (named one OTTO)
1 seal

BTW ... while we were watching the wildlife show, joe realized that he KNOWS the guy in the cabin next door. worked together at kinko's. SMALL world. and a little creepy.

glacier bay, alaska

we're now cruising through glacier bay. last night, we saw a very elusive glacier, the rainbow ... outside of skagway, alaska.

today we've seen the marjorie and the pan pacific. we saw a bear and are hoping for whales! we'll be in the bay today and tomorrow. i have never seen a shade of blue that remotely resembles the blue of a glacier. it's stunning.

i've taken a mere 400 pictures so far; joe is about the same + lots of video footage. OMG.


hello from alaska

i have survived 2 days on the ship. it's kinda creepy. even though the ship is only 6 years old, the decor screams 1982. seriously. it's hilarious. there are lighted sprial staircases and lots of mirrored signs. and the color scheme. don't even get me started!

yesterday was a bit rough, we hit some really rough water, but no puking, so that's awesome.
our room vibrates all of the time; it's like having a "magic fingers" bed that never shuts off. i am now somewhat used to it.

today we landed in ketchikan and took a 3.5 hour boat tour of misty fjord. it was beautiful. so many waterfalls; and lots of marine life! then we had about 45 minutes to shop ... which of course i made the most of!

the ship is now en route to juneau. we'll spend all day there tomorrow. just got finished with afternoon tea and am now headed back to the boardroom for a nap.

so far it's been a very relaxing trip; i have knocked out a lot of reading and am making fabulous progress on the DS version of yoshi's island. i even hit the treadmill!


happy 4th of july!

kim & sophia - claremont, ca

oh so much wiser

i'll never forget the first time i went to europe.
skye and i were there for about 10 days ... and i had THREE HUGE bags. seriously.
3 bags that were flown to paris, carried into paris on the RER, out of paris on the RER, flown to marsielle, flown back to paris, carried back into paris on the RER and finally back out of paris on the RER. what the hell was i thinking?

8 years and 750,000 miles later, i've FINALLY learned my lesson.

joe and i are leaving for alaska / bc in the morning (for 12 days) and i have ONE suitcase. and two small carry-ons. which are minuscule compared to what i took to france on that fateful trip.

only issue that lies ahead is that i'm sure my bag is over 50 lbs. well, it's better to pay $100 roundtrip for an overweight bag than break my back taking another.

i am so proud.

ps. i will be shipping home all souvenirs. which is what broke my suitcase on the way home from france. :-)


how to get your ass kicked in an airport

simple. just wear one of these.

streak desecrated

en route to salt lake for skye's baby shower, the handle on my favorite handbag broke. BROKE. it's only 6 months old ... a christmas present from my fabulous husband.

i had to take her, broken, to salt lake because there was no way i was leaving her in the car to be stolen.

i sent her back to isabella fiore today to have her repaired. you can only insure up to $500 online so i had to go INSIDE OF THE POST OFFICE AND SPEAK WITH A CLERK.

there goes 2 years of boycotting. flushed down the proverbial toilet. btw, they suck just as much as they did when i started the boycott.

obviously, i'm not a very good boycotter. one broken handbag and i lost sight of my cause.

tomorrow marks day 1 of the new boycott.



had calls from


in that order. all within 30 minutes of each other today.

very strange.



this is the bathroom at a POG facility for one of my accounts in chicago. OMG.

crazy hat day

due to last minute scheduling changes, i watched sophia for a few hours yesterday. just sophia and aunt julie.

to be honest, we got a little bored. one can only watch so much tv ... talk politics and family trees so long ... and it was too hot to take a walk. so, we declared crazy hat day!

washcloths and burp cloths make fabulous hats!

we did try belts later, but there is no photo documentation. next time we're making scarves.


the carpool lane is not a toy

note to self. the carpool lane is not a toy. i repeat, the carpool lane is not a toy. so, even if some jackass is going 55 and burning oil in the fast lane, it is a $400 move to pass on the left.

but in all honesty, i totally drove in the carpool lane all weekend and nothing happened.

i am so due for a ticket.


brita gets 2nd chance

was informed by my husband tonight that i didn't install the brita filter correctly.
no wonder the "filtered" water tasted like ass.

giving said brita a 2nd chance.



the happening was awesome. not as gruesome as i expected ... absolutely excellent. highly recommend.


shooshed at brownies!

kristine and i went to sid's brownie award ceremony today.
we were totally visiting with some of the other moms and got SHOOSHED by the leader and were given the official brownie three finger "shut your cakehole" signal. OMG. felt like i was in 4th grade again.


omg. diner dash 4 was just released.

i'm screwed.

i loved diner dash 2 and diner dash 3 (diner dash 1 sucked) so much that i obsessively played them until i beat the game. have no idea how many hours i'll never get back from those endeavors.

and just when i thought it was safe ... the cycle has begun again. f.


lola's fort

lola was very busy last night. she built her own fort out of the guest room bed. that is what is left of the comforter. (same one she ripped a couple of months ago - we have no guests). what you can't see in the photo is the menagerie that she built around the front of her fort. doesn't like to be alone.
i heart her.


assistant, please

i needed our COO's help on a project today so i called him ... he didn't answer so i left a message.

his assistant called me back and said, "please hold for paul." I LOVE IT. i so need an assistant.

brita water tastes like ass

i tried to like brita water. but it really tastes like ass particles got added to the filter. it's horrible.

so, back to the water bottles ... until i can find a better solution. any ideas?



i never had any feelings about my lips. didn't love them, didn't hate them. really never thought about them.

until i was 24 and an ex-friend told me that i have "pencil lips," then i was self-conscious about them and experienced lip envy on a fairly regular basis. wished they were fuller, more "heart-shaped," more remarkable.

until 5 days ago. my sister told me that sophia has my lips. i studied them this weekend and sure enough, we have the same lips. and they are beautiful.

i have never thought my lips so perfect until now. i couldn't be happier to share them with my niece.



picture taken by daddy today as sophia and aunt julie watched law & order.

returning baby clothes

omg. kim and i returned / exchanged an entire truckload of baby stuff today. seriously. no exaggeration here. kohl's, target, nordstrom, penney's (didn't even know they're still in business) and macy's. the macy's woman was a little too grumpy to be working in the baby department. they should transfer her to girdles.

somehow having a girl makes one want to dress said girl in PINK. kim is a TROOPER. had a baby one week ago and today was shopping like a true scorsatto woman. sophia is all set now!


lola rocks

we have a "no salesmen" sign on our front door.
but people knock and ring the bell anyway. after my bad encounter with a magazine salesperson in '02, i'm over all of them.

so today it was a couple of religious peddlers. they were ready. bibles out, phony smiles in place. i'd seen them at the neighbors when i pulled up to the house.

but apparently they can't read.

they knocked. and rang the bell. lola played the best watchdog possible. she sounded like she was going to rip those peeps limb from limb.

i arrived at the front door just in time to see them running for their lives, clutching their bibles.

lola rocks.


sophia on the brain

it's consuming. all i think about is my new little niece and count the minutes until i see her again. (which is tomorrow). if i can barely hold on for 72 hours ... how will i last when we're in canada / alaska for two weeks. there is only one answer. webcam.


i guess someone told american airlines not to fuck with their known repeat passengers

AAdvantage Platinum® Members Are Exempt FromNew Checked Baggage Fees

Dear Julie,

As you are probably aware, we recently announced a change to our checked baggage policy for travel on domestic economy class tickets. I want to take this opportunity to emphasize that these additional baggage fees do not apply to you. As a benefit to our valued AAdvantage Platinum members, you will still be able to check two bags free of charge (within current size and weight limits). In addition, customers flying on the same reservation with you are also exempt from the new checked baggage fees. For a recap of our updated policy, and to view a list of frequently asked questions, visit the link below: http://www.aa.com/aa/pubcontent/en_US/utility/041208_CheckBagFee.jsp

Also, as an AAdvantage Platinum member, you will continue to be among the first customers to be boarded. This should provide ample time to locate available space for your carry-on luggage, settle in and attend to business well before takeoff. Thanks for flying with us. It's always a pleasure to serve you.

Regards, Rob Friedman
AAdvantage Marketing Programs


sophia anne

it's sophia, not sofia

i'm a dork.
posting and emailing is not smart when you've been up for two days with one hour of sleep. yesterday i kept mis-spelling SOPHIA.

today, my mom and i both called her chloe. but not in front of her. probably had something to do with the mad 3-hour PINK shopping spree we went on and the fact that one of the stores is named chloe and hunter.

i really don't know how kim and james are holding up so well. they've had no sleep to speak of since wednesday night. they are incredible.


it's a girl!!

sophia anne
1:55 pm
8 pounds
12 ounces
21 inches long

she is healthy and fabulous. mama is doing fantastic. they are both strong women who worked very hard to bring sophia into the world today.

after a super tough week, i am overwhelmed with joy.

pictures forthcoming.


sympathy cards

the sympathy card.

i always send them ... to anyone i know who's experienced a death. it's just what you do, right? it's a way of acknowledging that you care, that you're thinking about the people who's lives are irrevocably changed forever. i've also sent plants and flowers - it's what you're supposed to do.

well, i don't want any part of it. being on the other side for the first time in a VERY long time, i don't want the cards, flowers, plants. they can't bring her back.



2nd to sitting in the middle seat, i hate standing in the security line. inevitably, i get stuck behind a string of probable camry-drivers, who can't pay attention, and take forever to get it together so they can pass through security. these are the people that put massive amounts of liquids through the x-ray (even though it's been almost two years since the liquid ban) and refuse to take off their shoes, belts, ten gallon hats, etc.

so, for $128/year, and a government background, check i can now "fly clear." there are still just a handful of airports with the technology, but where it's available, i've bought my way to the front of the line. for $10.67/month (or two trips to starbucks), it's worth it.



we are finally making the change.
no more bottled water.
we're going to buy a purification system today and use cups. i'm really proud of us. we go through at least a case of water a week. that's a lot of plastic!


still nothing

we tried our best to walk the baby out yesterday with 7 hours of shopping (seriously, i don't know how kim hung in there for that long) but no luck. i left last night, sure s/he would make his/her appearance as soon as i left, but it's been 16 hours and baby sink is still happy on the inside. :-)

i do have to mention that i think baby sink is definitely going to be a dancer and party animal. when i played "da ya think i'm sexy" mixed by n'trance last night, baby sink started moving around A LOT. so much that we could see him/her moving through my sister's stomach. love it!

so we continue to wait. i'm going to the beach and try to concentrate on something else. :)


baby watch - 6 days to go

6 days to go.
no baby yet.
i'm going to drive to the IE tomorrow and check on mama sink myself. :-) she's bored ... who could blame her ... and i'm dying to see the finished nursery. plus i have like 5 toys for the baby and a ton of clothes ... i'm running out of room. :-)

i'm going to pack for a few days ... maybe that'll get the kid moving.


there will be blood is right

i'm still catching up on my oscar movies ... joe and i watched there will be blood over the weekend.

they're right ... there will be blood ... i wanted to claw my eyes out from sheer boredom. did it really have to be 158 minutes long? seriously? i could have put my amateur editing skills to use and cut about 75 minutes.

it had a great story and i'm sure is a really good movie, but for me it was like being locked in a museum for hours without my ipod, sunlight and snacks.

full moon - still no baby

despite having three children of her own, my grandma's prediction that baby sink would be born on a full moon night is about 7.5 hours away from being inaccurate. as my sister is not in labor, the chance of her having the baby within the next few hours is slim to none.

so we wait. i just hope the baby doesn't come tomorrow as i'm in texas and i would almost feel obligated to buy a small cow-person hat. obligated. i did buy a monkey in texas today. he came named ... marvin the monkey. i may change it, but am not sure. marvin, as he is called today, joins norman from san jose. i bought a stuffed animal lamb last week in san jose and promptly named him norman after the norman y. mineta airport. extra credit for anyone who can tell me who norman y. mineta is ... without using google.

8 long days until baby sink's estimated due date.


seis de mayo

i know i'm out of chronological order, but this is a picture of the mariachi band that flew home on the same flight as me on el seis de mayo. i was coming home from chicago. my friend tim advised that they must have played for oprah, but his information was incorrect. :-) i love the sombrero holders!