
pee smell

it's no secret that i loathe texas. but really, did i have to be assigned a pee-scented COROLLA?? (small camry). seriously, it smells like pee. especially after simmering in the texas sun all day.

i'm so not paying for this rental.


black cherry chutney surprise

yesterday, as i sat sweltering in my un-airconditioned hovel as temperatures soared past 95, i had a fight with a bottle of nail polish.

i keep most of my manicure supplies in a small plastic box with a lid. however, apparently i did not secure the lid after the last time i opened it. i know this because as i lifted it to carry it over to my desk, it slipped out of my hands. a brand-new bottle of OPI black cherry chutney BROKE OPEN on its way out of the box and spilled onto my semi-light berber carpet. the stains covered a 12" x 8" square. super awesome.

instead of panicking (seriously, worse case scenario is new carpet) i surfed to google and found how to get nail polish out of the carpet. the advice i found worked like a charm!

here's what i did.

sopped up the wet nail polish by blotting clean paper towels on the puddles
dumped water over the whole mess - apparently, keeping the stain wet is the key
added some rubbing alcohol and hair spray (i am still high, i think)
scrubbed my little heart out with a firm, small scrub brush (lucky i sell cleaning tools!)

it took about 30 minutes, but the carpet is perfect again. :-)


no bottle duty for auntie julie

i know it's disgusting, but i have to do a nasal rinse a couple of times a week to see if i can avoid surgery on my nose.

ideally, you want to use warm water because cold water is shocking to the system.

my allergist said that i can microwave the bottle/solution to make it warm.

but i must have forgotten how long she said to heat it because I BURNED THE INSIDE OF MY RIGHT NOSTRIL.

so, no bottle duty for me. i would hate myself if i burned baby sink's little baby tongue, lips, gums, etc. HATE myself.

31 days until baby sink's due date. can hardly wait.


out of control hello kitty

from mother goose & grimm last week. the images are way better than my cut out comics ... http://www.seattlepi.com/ had them all. :-)



less than 6 weeks until baby sink makes his / her debut. i absolutely can hardly wait!


how did i become tied to my outlook calendar? everyday is like a rainbow, each busier than the next. how did my parents work, volunteer, keep up the house AND rear us? i am so tired at the end of the day ... and i have no kids. seriously. how did they do it?

in addition to life, work, the shack and my usual committments, i have to have surgery. i've never had surgery before, so i'm a little nervous. it's not a big deal, just some work on my nose ... yes, i am having my deviated septum repaired ... isn't that hollywood code for "nose job?" well, the outside of my nose isn't going to change, they're just going to re-route a few things. super fun. another rainbow color in my already packed outlook calendar. :-(


explain this to me

i can't bring on more than a quart sized baggie of 3 oz sized containers on a plane.
i can't bring my tiny swiss army knife on a plane.
i can't take sharp pointed scissors on a plane.
all for my own safety, right?

then why are glass bottles allowed? won't broken glass cut like a knife?

i really wonder what guy in his ivory tower is making all of these rules. does he secretly work for glad or ziploc and needed to boost quart sized baggies?



i've been thinking of getting my MBA for two years now.

am i too old? i'll be 35 in a couple of weeks.

there's an executive MBA program at claremont grad school. they don't require the GRE, so bonus, but it's expensive.

i really don't think i have any shot of running a company without the degree ... so much to consider.


just wrong

i bought some newborn diapers yesterday for baby sink. they're needed for one of the presents for him/her.

i bought huggies.

who in the hell thought it was a good idea to put winnie the pooh on diapers? someone trying to be ironic? i think it's just gross. ew. poor baby sink will have poo[h] on the inside AND outside of his/her dipies. vile.