
nobody puts baby in a corner

only 3 days until my birthday!

AND it's the 20th anniversary of dirty dancing (nope, don't feel old at all!) ... they've released the movie on the BIG SCREEN across the country for TWO DAYS ONLY. may 1st and 2nd! joe made dinner plans on my birthday, so we can't go that night ... but we can go on the 1st. i had to BEG to get him to agree to go with me. (btw, kristine and tim wouldn't go either ... so poor joe!). i can't wait! i've never seen it on the big screen!



day 26

fuck the allergist.
he's fired.
saw him again and now i'm on 3 antihistamines ... still swollen.

ate chilies and dairy ... no change.

maybe i'm allergic to him!


day 22

despite taking 2 antihistamines (strong ones) and sacrificing chilies (and now dairy) my lips are still swollen.

it's day 22.



there is an expiration date on eggs.
who knew?


this is gonna hurt

my upper lip has been swollen for at least two weeks.
it looks like i've had a botched collagen treatment.
the cause - i'm allergic to something.

well, duh.

so after ANOTHER visit to the allergist, he's decided that i am not to eat anything spiced with chilis, in ANY form, for two weeks. we think it's some kind of chili that's causing the reaction ... and since there are no blood or skin tests for chilis ... we are going the elimination route. no tabasco, no salsa, no hot sauce, no spice AT ALL. if the swelling has gone away ... i can start re-introducing the foods into my diet, one at a time ... waiting another two weeks to be sure it's not the culprit ... and so on.

basically, i'm performing one long-ass science experiment on myself.

oh, and what to do while we don't know? don't leave home without an epi pen and a cell phone. super fun.




day two of being in the home office in nj.
i'm so over working in an office.

i've probably spent 5 months max in an office during my career. it really and truly sucks. i like working at home. then when it's slow i can nap. can't nap here. and there's just too many people ... too much noise and distractions.

i wanna go home to my red office.


dear mr. ditka ...

and i quote (me),

"Dear Mr. Ditka,

During our March 23rd visit to your restaurant, we received exemplary service! However, one of the team members stood out - Anna. She was instrumental in finding my lost Ben Franklin Action Figure - which was located in the second floor bar. As you can see by the enclosed photo, Ben had a great time.

Thank you for a fabulous evening.

Julie S. and Ben"

i mailed the letter yesterday, on pink stationery (no, it was not scented - name that movie), along with a copy of the picture of mike, my two friends and ben. i framed the picture so it would be SUPER easy for mike, or a member of his staff, to put the picture on the wall. awesome!