
it's a girl!!

sophia anne
1:55 pm
8 pounds
12 ounces
21 inches long

she is healthy and fabulous. mama is doing fantastic. they are both strong women who worked very hard to bring sophia into the world today.

after a super tough week, i am overwhelmed with joy.

pictures forthcoming.


Sweet Coalminer said...

Hooray! Congratulations! I'm sorry about Bappy, but so happy about Sofia. I'm sure she's gorgeous and I can't wait to see her.

You are the best aunt and sister ever, and that is the ONLY thing that might give me the incentive to have another baby - so Mimi might have a sister. (No offense to Frankie, but I'm not so convinced that anything good comes of two boys.)

It has been a pleasure to watch your excitement and joy for Kim and her family and for you guys for having a niece. I'm happy for you, and proud of you too. It's really selfless to want something so much for someone else! I admire you for your love for that sister and her daughter!

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

that meant a lot, a. thanks ~=)