
while i was in arizona this weekend ...

i got the following two texts from my lovely husband and dog. they came in at 2 am this morning. omg.

the following are actual copies of the original texts.

Minor chaos here...the black and white cat apparently snuck in the doggie door and surprised Lola, a minor chase ensued... Across the top of the bar! Lola has a little scratch on her nose, and is VERY full of herself for defending the family turf! Lost a bottle of apple scnapps and the last of the Jim Beam... - cleaned up the glass but it smells like a bar on the porch.

Cornered the cat with the broom, picked it up with lola's "grandma blanket" and put it outside, it was up and over the wall in a flash!! Love ya talk to you in the morning


Sweet Coalminer said...

What a great recount. Joe should have been a sportscaster.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

omg. he totally wanted to work for a radio station (bs in communications) and just took some voice over classes ... i like to think of it as julie's retirement plan.