
Flip Mino Camcorder

Flip Mino Camcorder with Personalized Design - Available only at www.theflip.com. Check out this unique Flip Mino design. The Flip Mino camcorder combines remarkable video quality in a pocket-sized package. Now personalizable - create yours


How to Dial 'Alpha' Numbers on Your BlackBerry

Houston, we have a problem. Because a BlackBerry lacks a traditional alphanumeric dial pad, it’s impossible (or at least very difficult) to dial numbers like 800-GO-FEDEX or navigate an automated phone directory (e.g., “enter the first three letters of the person’s last name”).

Fortunately, there’s an easy solution: Hold down the Alt button while tapping the appropriate letters. The BlackBerry will automatically convert them to the proper numeric tones. If your model has a keyboard where the letters are doubled up, just press twice (while holding down Alt) to get the “second” letter for any given key.


this is what i have to deal with ... i call it texas talk

‘member we talked to Greg about returning a bunch of clip stuff that they ordered too many of...

seriously. too hard to type "remember" when emailing your boss?


bath tissue

i am very sad to report that american airlines has downgraded to single-ply bath tissue. so, basically, i'm paying upwards of $500 per flight to be offered bath tissue that is slightly softer than sandpaper!!! oh, this will require a letter.

"all those opposed to chaffing, please say 'aye!'" - elle woods, legally blonde


flight 1359

So this is a new one.

We're all buckled in, ready to taxi down the runway and the pilot comes on and says, as he stops the plane, "my cell phone indicator shows that there are still a few phones in use. They must be turned off."

A flight attendant walked the aisle, seemingly looking for violators. Guy sitting across from me said that he was on a flight a couple of weeks ago on which the pilot did the same thing, except with seat belts. Pretty decent "technology" considering they can't make an airplane lavatory not smell like ass.



i found out from my uncle, who is a pharmacist, that your doctor can write you a script for CONDOMS. 36 per rx.

the teeny chain for which he works goes through 200-300 / dz. condoms per month. i love living in a blue state. ;-)