
steves, part 2

to sweet coalminer:

how in the hell could i have forgotten "snacky?" actually, if his nickname had been "snacky steve," i probably would have been all over it. :-)

he was a real good time, as i recall. although, i don't think i ever had the pleasure of making his acquaintance. but after the valentine's day debacle, i feel like he was part of my life too. :-

isn't he married now? poor girl! i hope she feeds him lots of snacks!



Sweet Coalminer said...

He's MARRIED with a CHILD. He's a dad. That means having snacks ALL THE TIME.

Mimi has a "Snack trap". I hope snacky has one too.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

i heard you reference a "snack trap" last weekend ... it took me a minute to figure that one out. :-)

i can't believe he had a kid.