

why do men with the name "steve" always cause problems for me?

the following list is in no particular order of importance. they're all super weasels. note: surnames have been omitted to protect the innocent and the guilty.

steve y. "aka vermin" - head of marriott maintenance when i was in college. he was more than incompetent (ie. left a porch light burned out for days in front of one of the residence halls at a women's college.) i got him fired. he's probably still working at a fast food joint in florida.

steve s. - one of skye's roomates in jackson hole. he was completely arrogant and accused me of touching his willy on the way home from the mangy moose on new year's 1999. he really should have been more concerned with the fact that it was so small i couldn't find it.

steve m. - the sheriff. for those of you who know the stories, enough said. for those of you who do not, they are in the vault.

steve d. - at my current place of employment. homophobic, redneck dick. need i say more?

steve k. - works for me as a rep. as dumb as they come. need to fire, but can't due to company politics. i'd like to dedicate "steve polycronopolis" by adam sandler to this weasel.

who am i missing?

1 comment:

Sweet Coalminer said...

Duh. Snacky.