
terrell, texas - true story

btw, that is pronounced TER-L. nice.

so, i stopped in TER-L today to fill up my rental car and use a toilet. i chose a chevron on I-20 at the 34.


first of all, my credit card didn't work. even though the pump advised that american express was accepted, the mean lady in the gas station store said, "no, only visa and mastercard."

fine. i have a visa.

so i filled up.

then i went inside to use the toilet. i had waited too long and was DESPERATE.

i entered the bathroom (door was open) and the mean lady ran after me yelling, "ma'am stop, ma'am stop."

i looked inside the bathroom ... there was a wooden plank with the words "out of order" scrawled on it lying across the toilet.

so i said, "oh, okay. it's out of order." and turned to leave.

to which she replied, "oh no. we are just out of toilet paper. you use napkin?"

damn straight i'm going to use the napkin. i had about peed my pants!

so i used the dirty bathroom. probably have a disease now. and when i went to through out the used napkins (didn't want to clog her toilet) i saw that there was no TRASH CAN.

some people get what they have coming. i flushed the wad of napkins.

i hate texas.


Sweet Coalminer said...

That's a really great story. :) I would have flushed everything within reach I wasn't afraid to touch.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

there was NADA. she's lucky i didn't have my purse. i would have flush everything i had. kleenex, paper, pens, tampons, gum, whatever. she is a beast. i totally reported her to chevron too. i'm sure they don't care, but just in case.