
goodbye to the brush up!

i love the oral b brush up. it is a perfect way to freshen up the fangs while traveling. no water needed.

so imagine my consternation when i learned that they have discontinued the brush up. it's over. once the supply's on ebay dries up, there will be no more.

it feels like the end of an era. like when they disco'd the today sponge. i hope i don't have to wait 10 years for the brush up to resurface.

is nothing sacred?


Sweet Coalminer said...

1) I know you have bottled water, so you can brush the old-fashioned way, and
2) Considering that stupid dancing-in-the-subway commercial they made, it is a wonder anyone ever tried them, anyway.

I'm sorry you will miss them, but I'm sure there are alternatives.

Maybe you could biore your teeth?

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

i LOVE that idea!