
we all scream for ice cream

i want to buy an ice cream truck.
my husband has requested a business plan.

first, i have to find a reasonably priced truck. found a couple on eBay tonight ... they're about 3x what i was expecting.

but i won't let the dream die. i'm getting an ice cream truck. it just might take a little while.


Sweet Coalminer said...

Do you remember that song by King Missle about the cheesecake truck? "And then I ate all the cheesecakes and they were very delicious". It's on their "Mystical Shit" album.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

how could i forget that song? i have it on my ipod. it's one of my favorites from the crazy tapes you made me years ago. :-)

it's on the same album as "gary and melissa love to make love, love to make love to each other." which always kinda grossed me out because my pious acting cousin melissa married a guy name gary.