

how did i become tied to my outlook calendar? everyday is like a rainbow, each busier than the next. how did my parents work, volunteer, keep up the house AND rear us? i am so tired at the end of the day ... and i have no kids. seriously. how did they do it?

in addition to life, work, the shack and my usual committments, i have to have surgery. i've never had surgery before, so i'm a little nervous. it's not a big deal, just some work on my nose ... yes, i am having my deviated septum repaired ... isn't that hollywood code for "nose job?" well, the outside of my nose isn't going to change, they're just going to re-route a few things. super fun. another rainbow color in my already packed outlook calendar. :-(


Sweet Coalminer said...

I bet you'll be so much happier with a normal septum. I think Cory has a deviated septum. What is the recovery like? Will you post pictures?

I suspect our mothers never self-indulged, and that is why they are kind of weird now. Seriously, I don't think they ever had any "me-time" when we were around.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

that's what the ENT tells me ... had the cat scan yesterday so scheduling is imminent. kim barely swelled and no bruising ... but i'll post photos

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

my mom self-indulged. we spent summers in the pool. when bappy would call during the day and mom would make us tell her that she was running errands so she didn't seem lazy. i love it. kinda like when she was talking to manaya and we had to ring the doorbell to get her off of the phone. AND my mom worked at our school for a few hours a day ... way different that your mama who had a LONG ass day.