
pee smell

it's no secret that i loathe texas. but really, did i have to be assigned a pee-scented COROLLA?? (small camry). seriously, it smells like pee. especially after simmering in the texas sun all day.

i'm so not paying for this rental.


Anonymous said...

Don't mess with Texas!

:) Erica

Sweet Coalminer said...

How can you diss the Corolla????

HELLO!! My Corolla was never driven like a Camry.


my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

maybe that's because she was named placentia. she was extra special. i think i still have whiplash from you driving over the speedbumps on college avenue without braking.

thank you re: birthday!

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

oh and this corolla SMELLED LIKE PEE and didn't have a door opener doodle