
can't we just have frozen burritos and a slurpee for dinner?

i realized today that i could live inside of a convenience store and be very happy. all of the food groups are represented, chocolate, pop tarts, doritos, frozen burritos, jerky, snapple, crumb donuts, alcohol and slurpees. hell, they even have a library of sorts and a bathroom. (remember, i sell cleaning tools, i could totaly clean the bathroom first!)

joe is always asking me to try new restaurants ... i can make myself go, but rarely do i find anything on the menu that i truly want to eat. nothing is "normal." it's dressed up with pesto and pine nuts and capers ... ew. one solution would be the kids' menu, but NO ONE will let me order off of the kids menu. why can't i just have the mac n cheese or the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets? as we were having that tired old "where should we eat" discussion tonight, it dawned on me. why can't we just eat at the 7-11 and spend the money we saved on dinner at the mall? er, i mean put the extra money in our retirement fund.

so until restaurants let me order off the kid's menu, i will continue to dread going to "grown-up" eating establishments ... you can imagine how much fun i have at business dinners. it is truly hell.

btw. i totally know that my affinity for convenience store food is a major contributing factor to my fat ass, but i just can't seem to figure out how to trade twinkies for broccoli.


Anonymous said...

some places let me order off the kids menu. try asking in a cute little girl voice...and bat those eyelashes!!
another solution is i go out to dinner with joe and you go out to dinner with aaron....then we trade back at the end of the night.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

your solution may be the answer! aaron and i can talk nixon, fight over the hello kitty party pals game and enjoy our burgers and fries in peace.

you and joe can eat weird stuff with "good presentation!"

Anonymous said...

I prefer eating ass with a side of cucumber. It's good for my colon.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

ass with cucumber. sounds yummy.