
note to parents with small children traveling on planes

no matter what the circumstances, it is NEVER okay for your child to kick the back of someone's seat. it's not cute, it's not adorable, it's downright OBNOXIOUS.

case in point. flew back from orlando today ... didn't get upgraded (extreme makeover peeps in the house) ... and had to sit in coach. coach on a plane to or from orlando is HELL. it's 50%+ kids. fucking walt disney. anyway, so this 4 year old, who was a holy terror in the waiting area, was seated behind me. after the first 10 kicks ... (this was before we'd even started taxiing to the runway) i turned around and POLITELY (really!) asked the mom to ask her son not to kick my seat. what a waste of my breath. the little beast kicked me for 5 hours. and she had the gall to tell her in-laws (i could totally hear her) what a bitch i was for asking her to control her kid. very nice. what a shitty flight.

home now for 5 days. woohoo.


Sweet Coalminer said...

Did you wait until she got up to go to the bathroom to tell the four-year-old that she fell out of the plane because his kicking jarred the door loose and that he would never ever ever see his mommy again?

Because that's what I would have done.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

sc - it's really too bad they took the airphones out of the planes ... otherwise i could call you for advice ... that would have been a stellar way to stop the beast from kicking. did i mention that at one point he had his socked feet stuck through the crack of the seat and was kicking my ass directly? i did swat his hooves away like flies and was poised to pinch, but i was a bit concerned re: possible assault charge.

Anonymous said...

I have kids like this in my class! Parenting skills are definately at an all time low!

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

maybe we should lock them in rooms and on planes with other people's beasts so they know how the rest of the world feels when they encounter their offspring!