
little rock, arkansas

i have been in the twilight zone.

little rock, arkansas was my destination this week. had a meetin' with some good ol' boys. of course, i was the only woman who didn't answer a phone for a living. wow.

it's like everyone was moving in slow motion. no one is in a hurry. it's interesting, but foreign to this city girl. i outpaced every car on the freeway at 60 mph and we all know that is like CRAWLING for me.

the rep showed up in a shirt that was printed with images of fly fishermen. his bumper sticker advised not to mess with texas. "broke," rather than broken, was the word of choice. he carries a SHOTGUN in his car; apparently everyone does. i was overdressed in a jacket and skirt. i could have worn cut-offs and sneakers and fit in just fine. nice.

i did have a chance to hit clinton's library, which does look like a mobile home on the edge of the arkansas river. lovely.

i have returned to civilization. next stop, orlando, florida.


Sweet Coalminer said...

When I was driving back to scripps with my corolla, Placenta, we stopped at a pharmacy there because I needed to start a new pack of birth control pills. We tried like 3 pharmacies, but no one would fill the prescription. That's all I need to know about little rock.

my middle name is trouble. my last name is drama. said...

i totally miss placenta. remember how you used to take the speedbumps on 12th at regular speed?

if anywhere needs to promote birth control, it's little rock.

Anonymous said...

omg! I totally remember Placenta. Do you guys remember when I used to lay underneath the speed bumps on 12th and you would speed up to try to jump over me? That was so cool.

Good times. check out my link >>

Anonymous said...

here's the link:

I rock.