
lazy and / or dumb ass = fat ass

i may be the laziest beast in the world.

i hurt my back last fall and the exercise has trailed off since then because it hurt. since i loathe exercising, it was a real convenient excuse not to get my fat ass off of the couch.

well, six months later, my back still hurts. well, it did until last sunday. for the past 5 days, i've done 20 minutes on the treadmill each day; that's all. and woohoo, no more back pain. it was tough the first two days, but once i worked through the pain, it was okay. seriously, i feel like a new person.

so, lesson learned. sitting on the couch is NEVER a good idea. especially when i have a treadmill in my house.

however, it's only week one. can't lose steam. must keep going. must lose weight. this girl is done being a fat ass.

ps. i've also stopped driving through fast food restaurants to obtain food. also a very bad idea.

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